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48th Intersteno Congress in Paris: a great experience
By jeandid, The 07/17/2011

Typing Zone was delighted to attend this prestigious event in Paris from 9 to 16 July. More than 600 people coming from all over the world took part in the Congress.

Four faithful members from Typing Zone had great pleasure of living this grand experience and spent a week of intensity meeting fascinating people.

Typing world championship (Text production - keyboard - 30 minutes) :

KOULAKIAN, Karen682.130.03%France19764Senior
6CRISTESCU, Andrei637.730.04%Roumanie18432Senior
17FEBVAY, Jean-Didier530.730.04%France15322Senior
35GUTIERREZ, Jonathan381.070.21%France9032Junior

The classification lists are available here.

The next Congress will take place in Ghent (Belgium) in July 2013. Information is available on Intersteno 2013 website.

48th Intersteno Congress has led to interesting meetings that will enable Typing Zone team to improve website and software, notably with the addition of foreign languages. Those changes will shortly follow.

Kind regards,
Typing Zone team

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munavarfairoos :
à 15:30
can i paly now
ShaolinTempleType :
à 02:50
Congrats and well done to all involved. Great job, Karen Koulakian, in securing a prestigious 2nd place. Typingzone rocks!
Motsak :
à 00:16
well done everyone! it was plenty of fun :) i loved it soooo much!! gotta all get back for Ghent 2013, with technological weapons :p Hakan is really good!!
Traumer :
à 18:59
congrats guys! Andrei and Jeandid you got a good ranking too! too bad Karen didn't win the whole thing, you maybe destroyed Hakan at 10 fast fingers, but not at intersteno!
dramatik :
à 18:36
Un grand moment magique, je le conseil à tous les dactylos du monde !
Son :
à 10:49
I could have beaten Petr Hais, had I not misspelled Europe 3 times... I wrote "Euorpe" and even though I came back and corrected those 3 mistakes, I lost precious time in the process. Next time I will add an autocorrect rule in Word :)
hurst :
à 00:33
Well done guys!
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