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Championship 2009: a good year!
By jeandid, The 01/09/2010

The championship 2009 is over, and soon the 2010 edition will start...

It's time now for a debriefing. So, what to say?

First of all, participation has increased again. We indeed have 88 ranked members (who have scored at least 1 point).

Then, we can say that the season has been very exciting, indecisive... During the most part of the year, Andrei CRISTESCU, the champion of 2008, was leading. Almost people thought he was going to a second coronation... But at the Master of December, Karen KOULAKIAN, champion of 2006 and 2007, made a huge performance (168.42 wpm on a long text!) and so won the championship by a narrow margin...

(you'll notice that in 2009, Karen has won 5 Masters, against 3 for Andrei)

All our congratulations to Karen, from now on triple champion of Typing Zone (2006, 2007, 2009) !

Congratulations also to Andrei, who demonstrated that he's one of the world best typists... Everything remains possible in 2010.

And, once again, like in 2002, 2004 and 2005, the title has been won on the last Master of the year...

We also discovered a new talent in this championship 2009: Zoran MARKOVIC who ends at 3rd rank!

Chris DUPONT also confirms he's an outsider: he ends at 4th rank, beating Jean-Didier FEBVAY, 5th, who was 3rd last year.

Typing Zone thanks all people who participated, we had a very good general level this year!

Moreover, 2010 is a special year for Typing Zone... A lot of new features will come. We indeed have a new developer in our team: Jonathan GUTIERREZ, a young talented typist (17 years old and 8th at the championship 2009).

May the championship 2010 be as good as 2009!

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ciaerwinrise254162 :
à 00:01
Hello. 378.09 cpm in my A4Tech Automatic Submachine keyboard
RhayZ :
à 11:35
Bravo à Chris pour avoir créer cette Zone Libre que l'on attendait tous. Je suis vraiment content que ça a pu se mettre en place. Et encore une fois, bravo à Karen pour être devenu champion 2009.
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